Monday, June 27, 2011

Things that don't happen in America, continued...

After a four hour flight delay due to the typhoon and pit stop in Laos, we made it to Siem Reap, Cambodia.

The only picture we took in our 30 minute stay in Laos.

A little behind on posting, but only because our days have been a lot more extreme. Highlights include ancient ruins, ATV rides, monkeys, live grenades and a fish foot massage. Much more to come about our Cambodian adventure later.

As promised, here are some videos:

Spaniards mocking us with an apparently cross-cultural childhood chicken noise until we jumped off the deck into Ha Long Bay.

Singing "We are the World" at a Karaoke bar in Hanoi, Vietnam with Northern Vietnamese youth and our favorite tour guide Duyen.

Monkeys playing on the side of the road in Siem Reap, Cambodia. They came and took bananas out of our hands. The locals laughed at me for peeling the bananas for the monkeys-- evidently they can do so themselves.


  1. No doubt they laughed at you Steve.I can't believe you haven't seen how a monkey eats bananas before. Can't wait till your next post, some pictures of fish massage plzz

  2. that rendition of we are the world was so awful it could ignite another american-vietnamese war...i would suggest not airing it publicly
